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***The deadline has been extended to September 9, 2022***

The newly founded research group "Reasoning, Rationality and Science"
(coordinated by Prof. Dunja Šešelja and Prof. Christian Straßer), at
the Institute for Philosophy II at Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty for
Philosophy and Educational Science, is offering a PhD position (4
years, 65%). We are looking for candidates (m/f/d) interested in
researching the emergence and dynamics of social reasoning processes.

*** Research topic ***

Information flow, in particular in the digital age, is based on, and
contributes to fragmented social landscapes which can lead to
epistemically problematic belief formation processes. This raises the
question which socio-epistemic mechanisms underlie such processes and
what can be done to mitigate their harmful effects. In order to obtain
a better understanding of such mechanisms, the PhD project may focus
on some of the following issues:

- the emergence of epistemically pernicious phenomena such as echo
chambers, epistemic bubbles, etc.
- the role of epistemic and non-epistemic reasons in social contexts
- the role of higher-order evidence in social opinion dynamics
- an epistemological assessment of interventions such as fact-checking
- the role and emergence of cognitive biases in social reasoning contexts
- the social emergence of nonmonotonic and argumentative aspects of reasoning
- etc.

We are especially interested in applicants who intend to employ formal
methods, such as:
- agent-based models and simulations,
- Bayesian and similar quantitative models of reasoning,
- argumentation theory,
- formal logical methods,
- methods from artificial intelligence,
- etc.

*** The position ***
The selected candidate (m/f/d) will be supervised by Dunja Šešelja and
Christian Straßer and enjoy a vibrant local research environment at
RUB. The candidate is expected to actively contribute to seminars,
workshops, reading groups, etc. A traveling budget covering expected
costs will be provided. The candidate is expected to teach a course
for philosophy students (in English or German) 2h/week, on a topic
related to the research project.

The load of teaching will be calculated according to § 3 of
Lehrverpflichtungsverordnung (state of North Rhine-Westphalia).

*** Your profile ***
You are required to hold a Master’s degree or equivalent degree in
Philosophy, Computer Science, Mathematics, or a discipline related to
the listed research themes. Other Master’s degrees than Philosophy
will be considered if you have a demonstrable experience with the
tackling of analytical/conceptual problems.

You should have an interest in (some of) the above listed research
themes. Your research will be written and presented in English, so you
need a very good command of English. Knowledge of German language is
not required.

We welcome candidates (m/f/d) with a wide variety of backgrounds and
perspectives and we especially encourage candidates (m/f/d) from
underrepresented groups to apply. At the Ruhr University Bochum, we
wish to promote careers of women in areas in which they are
underrepresented, and we would therefore like to encourage female
candidates to send us their applications. Applications by suitable
candidates with severe disabilities and other applicants with equal
legal status are likewise most welcome.

*** How to apply? ***

Please send your application with the following documents (bundled in
one PDF document):
1. a letter of motivation explaining your interest in the position and
your qualifications for it;
2. applicants are welcome to, but do not have to submit a research project.
3. your curriculum vitae;
4. a writing sample (Master thesis, seminar paper or equivalent);
5. names and contact information of two persons willing to provide references;
6. optionally, you can submit a research statement, elaborating on
your ideas for a research focus in line with (some of) the above

Applications must be sent by September 9, 2022, 23:59 CEST as a
bundled PDF document to the following e-mail address:
rrs-philoso...@rub.de. Please indicate "Application for PhD position
2022 with call number 888" in the subject line. If you have any
questions, please contact us at dunja.sese...@rub.de and

Travel expenses for interviews cannot be refunded.

For information on the collection of personal data in the application
process see: 

For the official job posting see:

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