Call for Papers (Extended Deadline): Conceptual Ethics and Conceptual
Engineering // Perspectiva Filosófica, an open-access philosophy journal

Sometimes, philosophers suggest ways of improving concepts and beliefs. In
these situations, they deal with the question concerning how a concept
should be used (conceptual ethics). If required, they propose interventions
aiming at a concept's maintenance, modification, replacement, or
elimination (conceptual engineering).

In light of this, the present special issue of the journal Perspectiva
Filosófica aims to increase the space, in Latin America, for the discussion
about the concepts we should employ and the ways to intervene in concept

Appropriate topics and subtopics for submission include, but are not
limited to:

- conceptual ethics
- conceptual engineering
- the evaluation (semantic, epistemic, social, etc.) of concepts
- strategies and obstacles for improving concepts
- adjustments in the denotation of concepts
- metalinguistic negotiations
- tolerance and experimental spirit in metaontology
- descriptive metaphysics and prescriptive metaphysics
- semantic-normative aspects of the relationship between thought and speech
- normative aspects of philosophical methods
- semantics and pragmatics of verbal disputes

Extended deadline for submission: September 12, 2023.

Expected publication date: March 2024.

The non-invited articles will be peer-reviewed anonymously. The submission
guidelines are available below:

Authors should send submissions directly to:

César Schirmer dos Santos

Special issue editors
Prof. Dr. César Schirmer dos Santos (UFSM)
Prof. Dr. André Abath (UFMG)

Journal editor:
Prof. Dr. Marcos Silva (UFPE)

Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
Philosophy Department
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE
Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
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