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*=============**Philosophy of Mathematics: Models, Methods, and

*Third Graduate Conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of
Mathematics – FilMat*

January 11-12, 2024
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

*Organized by*:
Department of Literary, Philosophical and Art History Studies, University
of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Department of Mathematics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

*Supported by*:
Research center “Forms of Knowledge in the Ancient World”
MatModTov MUR Excellence Project

*Invited speakers*
Andrew Arana (Université de Lorraine)
Valeria Giardino (Institut Nicod and CNRS)
Alessandro Sarti (Centre d’analyse et de mathématique sociales and CNRS)

*Call for abstracts*
The FilMat network promotes workshops and conferences open to Italian and
international researchers in the philosophy of mathematics.
To emphasize its attention to those at early stages of their careers, the
network is glad to announce its third graduate conference.
We expect to host up to 6-8 contributed talks by graduate and early career
speakers of any nationality, selected by double-blind review.
Submissions of original contributions are invited in any area of philosophy
of mathematics. In particular, topics of interest include the philosophy of
mathematical practice, the study of the reciprocal influence between
history and philosophy of mathematics, the study of philosophical aspects
in the mathematical modelling of empirical and social sciences, the use of
formal methods in foundational settings.

*Abstracts* must be written in English, have a **maximum length of 1500
words (references included)**, and should be prepared for blind-review,
with all identifying details (name, affiliation, email, and abstract title)
in a separate file. Submissions should be sent in pdf format to:

*NB: The conference will be held exclusively in person and no link will be
provided to attend the conference remotely*

*Deadline for submission: September 15, 2023*

*Conference language*: English

*Conference venue*: Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia, via Columbia 1, 00133
Tor Vergata (Rome).

*Registration*: Attendance is free and everyone is welcome. For
organizational reasons registration by email before September 10 will be
required. Participation can be confirmed by writing to (subject: Registration to FilMat).

*Practical information*: information about the conference venue and
accommodation will be posted in due time on the conference website.

*Important dates*
Deadline for submission: September 15, 2023
Expected notification of acceptance: October 10, 2023
Conference dates: January 11-12, 2023


*Scientific Committee*
Andrew Arana (Lorraine), Francesca Boccuni (San Raffaele Milan), Vincenzo
De Risi (SPHere and CNRS), Silvia De Toffoli (IUSS Pavia), Valeria Giardino
(Institut Nicod and CNRS), Elaine Landry (UC Davis), Carmela Morabito (Roma
“Tor Vergata”), Carlo Nicolai (Kings College London), Alessandro Sarti
(CAMS and CNRS), Benedetto Scoppola (Roma “Tor Vergata”), Andrea Sereni
(IUSS Pavia), Marco Panza (Chapman and CNRS), and Mario Piazza (SNS Pisa).

*Organizing Committee*
Domenico Marinucci (Mathematics, Tor Vergata)
Cecilia Panti (Philosophy, Tor Vergata)
Lorenzo Perilli (Philosophy, Tor Vergata)
Gabriele Pulcini (Philosophy, Tor Vergata)
Ambra Serangeli (Philosophy, Tor Vergata)

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