The next Diagrams conference will be held from September 27 to October 1,
2024, in Münster, Germany. As usual, the conference will feature a special
track on the Philosophy of Diagrams, providing ample opportunities to
submit papers and engage in discussions about the use of diagrams in
mathematics. See more details in the call below or at:

*** Highlights ***

- Proceedings published by Springer

- Dedicated Philosophy Track

- Graduate Symposium

- Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards

- Keynote speakers: Mateja Jamnik, Catarina Dutilh Novaes and Barbara


The Diagrams conference provides a united forum for all researchers with an
interest in the study of diagrams. The conference fosters
multi-disciplinarity and allows researchers from areas such as computer
science, mathematics, psychology, philosophy, history (of science, art,
etc.), education research, and more to meet and share their perspectives on
the theory and application of diagrams.

For 2024, the conference will feature a special track devoted to
philosophical issues related to diagrams. Special theme topics include any
research on the philosophy of diagrams, such as:

– aesthetic properties of diagrams,

– cultural, metaphysical, epistemological aspects of diagrams,

– diagrams for syllogisms,

– diagrams in formal logic

– diagrams in mathematical practice,

– diagrams in the mind,

– history of diagrams,

– iconicity and 'naturalness' of diagrams,

– imagination,

– philosophy of notation,

– reasoning and argumentation with diagrams,

– semantics and/or pragmatics of diagrams,

– semiotics of diagrams,

– square of opposition, trees and graphs,

– the nature and definition of diagrams and diagramming,

– the diagrammatic work of philosophers such as Plato and C. S. Peirce

– visualization and intuition.

For more information, see:

In addition to the Philosophy track, Diagrams 2024 will have two further
tracks: Main, and Psychology & Education; for their topics of interest, see:

If the main research contribution of your submission is considered to fit
either of the other tracks you are strongly encouraged to submit to the
respective track, each of which has a dedicated program committee.



We invite submissions for peer review in the following submission

- Long Papers (16 pages),

- Short Papers (8 pages),

- Posters (4 pages – this is both a maximum and minimum requirement),

- Abstracts, i.e. non-archival contributions (3 pages).

Submission date: March 1, 2024.

At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to attend the
conference to present their research and respond to questions presented by
delegates. Multiple submissions are accepted.

Long Papers, Short Papers and Posters will be published in the conference
proceedings. The proceedings will be published by Springer shortly before
the conference. Abstracts will not be included in the published proceedings
but will be made available on the conference web site. Abstracts allow for
conference presentations without the need to publish a paper.

More details, including formatting instructions and all important dates,
can be found at


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