Professor Emeritus Newton da Costa

Scholars and members of the  Brazilian academic circles, colleagues
and friends around the world  are deeply saddened by Professor Newton
Carneiro Affonso da Costa passing this Wednesday, April 17th, aged 95
years, due to a  lamentable domestic accident.

Newton da Costa, as  he was  known,  one of the most internationally
renowned logicians, systematized for the first time the study of
paraconsistent logics (that is, logics that admit contradictory yet
non-trivial theories) in his Chair Thesis "Teorias Formais
Inconsistentes" (Inconsistent Formal Systems),defended in 1963 at the
University of Paraná. From his innovative proposals, studies in
paraconsistency experienced strong growth, not only in Brazil but also
abroad, giving rise to what is now known as the Brazilian School of

Paraconsistency. Given the importance of these logics in the
international academic scenario, in 1991 the entry "03B53:
Paraconsistent Logic" was created in the "Logic and Foundations"
section of the Mathematics Subject Classifications jointly elaborated
by Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik.

In addition to his  important contributions in the area of
non-classical logics, Newton da Costa made unique contributions in the
areas of Foundations of Mathematics, Foundations of Physics, and
Philosophy of Logic.

Newton da Costa was Full Professor and Associate Director of the
Institute of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Sciences at the
University of Campinas (Unicamp) shortly after its creation, from
1968; Full Professor at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics at
the University of São Paulo (USP), and later at the Department of
Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences
at USP.

He participated in the creation of the Centre for Logic, Epistemology,
and  the History of Science (CLE) at Unicamp in 1977, being appointed
a Member in 1979. Among his activities at CLE, he participated in the
founding of the Brazilian Society of Logic (SBL), being its first
president in 1979, as well as in the creation, in 1982, of "The
Journal of Non-Classical Logics," the first journal of international
circulation in the area of non-classical logics.

In 1989, Newton da Costa was appointed a member of the  Académie
Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences,  being the first
Brazilian academic to receive this distinction.  He was  also awarded
the Moinho Santista Prize in Exact Sciences in 1994 and the Jabuti
Prize in Exact Sciences in 1995, both prestigious Brazilian awards, as
well as the Nicolau Copernicus Medal in Poland in 1995.   In 2023, the
São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Contemporary Logic,
Rationality, and Information (SPLogic) was held at CLE-Unicamp in
honor of his 90th +  birthday, gathering 130 international students and
scientists from around the world

He was named Professor Emeritus of Unicamp in 2009 and Honorary
Professor of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) in 2010.
He continued to serve as a guest and volunteer professor in the
Department of Philosophy at UFSC until recently.

With hundreds of published works, which receive thousands of
citations, Newton da Costa was one of the most internationally
recognized Brazilian academics. His scientific and philosophical
legacy had a profound impact both within and outside Brazil,  and will
certainly continue to be alive for generations to come.

Professor da Costa is survived by students, colleagues, friends, and
family members who will deeply mourn his loss. On behalf of the
international scientists  members of CLE-Unicamp.

 Walter Carnielli
CLE and Department of Philosophy
University of Campinas –UNICAMP, Brazil
AI2- Advanced Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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