As I understand it, "fu"e" and "fu'o" are brackets you can put around
things to show the target of a UI cmavo. Am I using them correctly
.i mi klama lo zarci .e fu'e lo panka fu'o .ui
(I'm happy about going to the park.)
.i mi klama fu'e lo zarci .e lo panka fu'o .ui
(I'm happy about going to both the market & the park.)
.i mi klama lo zarci fu'e .e fu'o .ui lo panka
(I'm happy that I'm going to both, as opposed to some other relation.)
.i fu'e mi klama fu'o .ui lo zarci .e lo panka
(I'm happy about the going, and about it being me that's going.)
.i mi fu'e klama lo zarci fu'o .ui .e lo panka
(I'm happy about the going, and about it being to the market.)
And how about taking it to another level:
.i mi klama lo panka fu'e .ui fu'o .ui
(I'm happy about going to the park, and happy about the happiness.)
mu'o mi'e la bret.