I am fascinated by Lojban and I like the simple structure of it. Simplicity...
So I started learning the course on: 
I'm having fun doing it.
I have a few questions, could you please help me with them? So far they're 
still very basic questions... and should be very easy to anwer.

My questions are about cmene.

1. if you write and say Maria: la mari,as. why not just write la maRIas. ?

2.Why are there 3 ways of showing that a word is a cmene? We've got the 'la', 
then there is the -s (or other consonant) at the end, and finally there is the 
full stop. Isn't that a bit too much? We don't need 3 ways, do we?

3.How do you actually PRONOUNCE la .iulias. ? Do you pronounce the 'la'? do you 
the proonounce the -s?

4. And I guess this was a mistake in that course: there is written: .uacintyn. 
Written like that I would put the stress on the 'cin'. Wouldn't we have to 
write is as .uAcintyn. ?

Thanks for your answer! I don't want to learn much further in the course as 
long as I don't have the basics right.



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