On 8/4/08, peter hering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A few minutes before he arrived it stopped raining.
> pu so'u mentu le nu da klamu'o kei ba'o carvi

That says: "before few minutes, his arriving had rained."
You want something like:

   zi lo mentu be li so'u pu lo nu da klamu'o kei co'u carvi

("ba'o carvi" says it had rained, not that it stopped just then.)

> George Bush has been the president for 7 years, 6 months, and 15 days.
> ni'o la djordj.buc. cu merja'a ze'a ze nanca e xa masti e pamu [djedi]

That says he was president for 7 years and that he was president
for six months, and that he was president for 15 days. ".e" will
distribute the sumti in different bridi. You need something like:

   ze'a lo nanca be li ze joi lo masti be li xa joi lo djedi be li pamu

(Or perhaps "ce'o" instead of "joi".)

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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