On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 6:55 AM,  <morphemeadd...@wmconnect.com> wrote:
> Why is "mu'o" not said last?  The whole community does this.  It seems to me
> that as soon as "mu'o" is used, the speaker should be waiting for a
> response, rather than continuing to speak, which negates the whole point of
> "mu'o".

Well "mu'o" has more than one point, I'd say, or at least a complex
history.  Long ago we used to use "co'o" mostly to sign off emails,
but there was a general consensus that "mu'o" is somewhat more
appropriate, since you're not really saying "bye I'm leaving", but
more like "OK I'm done talking, your turn".  (If I wrote an email that
I didn't want a response to, though, I'd end it "fe'o".)

Since talking over each other isn't really a concern in an email, I
don't worry about that.  I generally do make the bridi to which the
"mu'o" attaches (I either think of it attaching to the last bridi I
said, or I say an "i" to attach it to an empty bridi) the last bridi
in my email, but I'm not even above saying a "p.s." now and again.
(I'd kind of like a lujvo for "p.s." to use with "sei", in fact.)  For
being absolutely completely done with what I'm saying I'd go with
"fa'o", for being totally done talking to someone I'd say "fe'o", and
for saying that I'm immediately ready to hear what someone else has to
say I'd use "re'i".

mu'o stevon mi'e selkik re'i do fa'o

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