----- Original Message ----
> From: Stela Selckiku <selck...@gmail.com>
> To: lojban-beginners@lojban.org
> Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 12:35:15 AM
> Subject: [lojban-beginners] Re: "The pen is mightier than the sword."
> On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Luke Bergen wrote:
> > my lojban is nowhere near good enough to be able to understand discussion
> > about lojban in lojban.  Could someone give me a brief synopsis of what's
> > being said here:  I gather that it's a minor disagreement having something
> > to do with stress/emphasis of sumti?
> .ui sai
> Lojban is making good progress!  I remember when I first joined the
> Lojban list, I think it was a bit more than a decade ago now, I
> wondered why all the debates about Lojban's grammar were in English.
> I felt that they would be much clearer in Lojban.  And now we're
> finally to the point where discussion of Lojban in Lojban is common,
> so common that it's always even spilling over into when we're supposed
> to be teaching newbies! :>

It's great that a number of newbies have progressed to the point that they 
can communicate normally in lojban.  But I suggest that they then move 
their discourse to a more advanced list.  We need to have an English-language 
list to attract and keep the next generation of newbies.


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