On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Ross Ogilvie <oges...@gmail.com> wrote:

> coi rodo,
> I've been looking around the lojban wiki and I was wondering a few things.
> The Solar System (http://jbo.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=solri_ciste)
> in particular strikes me as poor word-for-word translated name. My questions
> are thus:
> 1. What does {ciste} actually mean? The definition
>> x1 (mass) system interrelated by structure x2 among components
>> x3 (set) displaying x4 (ka).
> is a bit opaque. What are some examples of its use?

treci'e - metric system
troroltruci'e - totalitarian system
venci'e - market
detci'e - date system (as in gregorian/islamic/hebrew)

So ciste in lojban is as vague as system in English

> 2. Would something like {loi plini be lo solri} be a better name for the
> solar system? Or perhaps something based on {girzu} (group)?

The planets of the sun?  The solar system includes the sun and moons as

> 3. What do people think of the lojban wikipedia? Is is a good place to
> practice reading (by which I mean is the use of lojban usually at a good
> standard)?
> Thanks
> mu'o mi'e ros.

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