On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 5:49 PM, Joshua Choi <jos...@choi.name> wrote:
> From my limited knowledge of Lojban, it seems that a Lojban speaker is
> able to express units only using certain selbri, such as grake and
> bunda for mass. How, then, would you best express this in Lojban?
>  3 kilograms times 5 metres divided by 2 seconds to the second power
> equals 7.5 Newtons.

lo pilji be lo ki'ogra be li 3 be'o bei lo dilcu be lo mitre be li 5
be'o bei lo tenfa be lo snidu be li 2 be'o bei li 2 cu du lo
klanrniutoni be li 7.5

Only it's actually 3.75 newtons. :)

> Can units be attached to number quantities at all?

mekso are not a very developed part of the language.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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