I had offered to help with this project, but it turns out that I really
don't have the time for it. Sorry guys.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Jon "Top Hat" Jones <eyeo...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:12 AM, Oren <get.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> hey, the status of my mp3s is "on the way." Chinese new year is upon us.
>> I'll also think very hard about solving the mp3 repository thing... Is
>> there some way to export or import mp3s with smart.fm?
> As far as I know, the only way to import .mp3 files to Smart.fm is to
> attach them to a lesson item, and there is no way to export them short of
> playing one while you have something recording what comes out your speakers.
> I agree that their backend makes mp3 management a chore (maybe it's just in
>> china that it's very slow and can't list more than several dozen items per
>> page), but I almost feel like if there isn't a convenient way to port data
>> or manage data... why get our stuff stuck there? It only needs to be done
>> once, but it's also a good idea to sniff out other options.
> Nope, I'm in the U.S., and it's just as slow for me, including the 20 items
> per page thing. And I agree that the lack of good data management is a low
> blow. The funny thing is, they *used* to have that stuff- before the
> recent interface changes, it *was* possible to make an entire lesson by
> importing, for instance, a text document. According to their news blog,
> they'll be bringing that back at some point, once they've finished making
> the site work well enough to stop getting complaints again.
> As far as the getting stuck bit- that's part of the reason why I want an
> online repository for the audio. Thanks to the Google Doc you made,
> everything *but* the audio already has a single place online to go, and
> I'm certain that, once all the simplified definitions are finished, it would
> be a relatively simple matter to add the items as a lesson in any of the
> other web-based language learning sites in extent. And if someone happened
> to come across a learning site that supported Lojban pronunciation, we
> wouldn't even need the audio for it.
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 05:31, Jon "Top Hat" Jones <eyeo...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I have come to the conclusion that it would be beneficial to this project
>>> if there was some sort of central online repository for the lojban audio re:
>>> the Smart.fm lessons, the reason being that it would be a simple matter for
>>> those of us who are putting the entries in the lessons would be able to
>>> download the audio for the entry from said repository.
>>> Obviously this means that the audio must be *done* first, and so far the
>>> only audio I am aware of is that which I have recorded myself, with one
>>> exception, which unfortunately was not used for reasons that do not need to
>>> be mentioned.
>>> Speaking of which, I know that at least 3 people offered to record audio,
>>> what is the status of their recordings?
>>> In any case, I am wondering if anyone has a suggestion for such a
>>> repository. Something free and easily accessible would be best. I know there
>>> is a site which is used for spoken audio, the name of which currently
>>> escapes me, but I am discouraged from using it as the site's purpose, IIRC,
>>> is for conversational spoken Lojban, and the audio for the Smart.fm lessons
>>> is merely gismu and the occasional {lo}, {se}, {te}, {ve}, and {xe}.
>>> --
>>> mu'o mi'e .aionys.
>>> .i.a'o.e'e ko klama le bende pe denpa bu
> --
> mu'o mi'e .aionys.
> .i.a'o.e'e ko klama le bende pe denpa bu

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