2010/3/10 Jorge Llambías <jjllamb...@gmail.com>:
> On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 6:51 PM, tijlan <jbotij...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If the name is meant to have two parts, probably "zi'eful.favysejmiv"
>> with an inbetween dot is the safest option in the parser-oriented,
>> formal areas of Lojbanistan. But people (including myself) often opts
>> to omit dots for aesthetic or pragmatic reasons (e.g. "the
>> letter-space is enough for us humans to see the division of words").
> Actually, it's the other way around. The parser only needs a space to
> know that in that context it represents an obligatory pause. The dot
> is optional, and there only for the benefit of the humans, as a
> remainder that they must include a pause there.

But jbofi'e seems to be as much helped by the dot as by a space when
it's given "iu.ui" at one time and "iu ui" at another time. And: in
the case of "iu.ui", the space is optional; in the case of "iu ui",
the dot is optional. It's the same for cmevla cases like "la
brod.brod"/"la brod brod", "la zi'eful.favysajmiv"/"la zi'eful
favysajmiv", etc.

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