I do not claim any expertise in this, but I think some people have mentioned 
the spreadsheet
capability as a way to do this.


On Feb 3, 2015, at 1:54 PM, Mills, Douglas G <dmi...@illinois.edu> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm guessing there's probably a better way of doing this and someone on this 
> list has probably done it.  Some of the instructors I work with would like to 
> give, say, 5 attempts on a homework or quiz question but with decreased point 
> value for each subsequent attempt, along the lines of 1point if you get it 
> right the first try,  .8 points if correct on the second try,  .6 points on 
> the third try, etc.
> Early one I tried the weight parameter with a variable for the value of it 
> that changed with the number of tries. That worked beautifully… in the 
> problem itself, but in the context of the assessment progress chart and other 
> places in Lon-Capa, the variable was not evaluated so the weight turned out 
> to be 0.
> Using "assigned_score" works well for this, but _as I understand it_ requires 
> use of the custom problem type. I've done a lot of these and appreciate their 
> power and versatility, but they have their downsides, perhaps for me the most 
> significant being the need to write code to evaluate significant figures and 
> tolerance, which are done so well for me in numerical response problems.
> The approach used by some of the instructors I work with who do their own 
> coding is to give the students access to the same quiz 3 times and then using 
> the timestamps to determine which was the first attempt, the second attempt 
> and the third attempt and plug those into excel to generate the best score 
> with the second attempt worth .8 of the full points possible and the third 
> attempt worth .6.  They have to look at timestamps because of course the 
> clever and slightly unscrupulous students in the courses do these in reverse 
> order to use the lower-value quizzes to practice for the full-value quiz.  I 
> proposed using sequences to prevent access to the lower value quizzes until 
> each of the subsequent quizzes has been attempted, but that has not caught on.
> So, is there a way, within one quiz, to allow multiple attempts at each 
> question and automatically decrease the point value of that question for each 
> attempt besides using "assign_score" (or is there a way to get tolerance and 
> sig fig functionality into a customresponse without coding it yourself?)
> Or some other way to approach this that I'm missing?
> Thanks as always!
> Doug
> Douglas Mills
> Director of Instructional Technologies
> Department of Chemistry
> University of Illinois
> dmi...@illinois.edu
> (217) 244-5739
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