
The number of calls to &EXT() can be reduced by replacing these lines:

    if ($tries) {
        for (my $i=$version; $i>=1; $i--) {
            last if (&EXT("user.resource.$i:resource.0.regrader"));


    if ($tries) {
        for (my $i=$version; $i>=1; $i--) {
            last if (($regrader) && 

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

From: Raeburn, Stuart
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 4:28 PM
To: Discussion list for LON-CAPA users
Subject: Re: [LON-CAPA-users] Differentiate between tries when a problem is     


Your script block in /res/uiuc/dmills/andino/CurvedArrows/CAAD2-2.problem 

&EXT('user.resource.resource.1.tries') : 0;
#loop through the number of attempts and build an $attempts variable
for my $i (1..$tries) {
     push @attempts, &EXT("user.resource.$i:resource.1.ans.submission");

The index used internally in LON-CAPA for each submission record need not 
correspond to the current number of tries, because LON-CAPA records each 
submission, including those that do not cost a try, such as submission of a 
previously submitted (incorrect) answer.  So you should loop over number of 
transactions instead of number of tries.  (In LON-CAPA the transaction number 
is called the version). To suppress display of any submissions made prior to an 
instructor reset, for a partID of 0 , for a responseID of 'ans' use the 

#looping from newest attempt to oldest attempt, and populating an array with 
submissions for response ID 'ans' in part: 0
#submissions which do not cost a try are not included.
#looping stops if an instructor reset is encountered.
#the resulting array of submissions to display is ordered from oldest to newest.
if ($version) {
    if ($tries) {
        for (my $i=$version; $i>=1; $i--) {
            last if (&EXT("user.resource.$i:resource.0.regrader"));
            next if (&EXT("user.resource.$i:resource.0.tries") eq '');

If you wanted to also include submissions from transactions which did not cost 
a try in the attempts array replace

next if (&EXT("user.resource.$i:resource.0.tries") eq '');


next if (&EXT("user.resource.$i:resource.0.ans.submission") eq '');

and omit the if ($tries) condition.

Because this loop could result in lots of calls to &EXT(), and thereby load 
your server, it would be prudent to hard code a maximum number allowed for 
$version, and include an <instructorcomment></instructorcomment> block to 
document that.

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

From: LON-CAPA-users <> on behalf of 
Mills, Douglas G <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 11:51:31 AM
Cc: Mills, Douglas G
Subject: Re: [LON-CAPA-users] Differentiate between tries when a problem is     

Hi All,

Looking back through older emails I came across the unanswered question below. 
I thought perhaps sharing an example of this might help. Here is one of these 
problems published for public access (no authentication required but of course 
automatically in practice mode):<>

(works most nicely in Chrome but will work in other browsers as well).

If you give it a go, you'll see that when you've made a submission it adds an 
attempt link so that you can go back and look at your previous submissions in a 
meaningful way (previous tries shows information used for the display, not 
really anything meaningful to a student).  Because the instructor I am working 
with on this envisioned giving students only 12 tries on this type of problem, 
currently it will only display 12 tries (the public version linked above of 
course has unlimited tries since it is in practice mode, but providing the 
links to previous tries will fail after 12 tries).

What I've discovered is that IF the instructor for some reason needs to reset 
the problem for a student, it starts over again as it should BUT after they've 
made a first try, if they click on the "attempt 1" link, it will display not 
their first try after the reset, but their very first try from before the 
problem was reset.  My question then is, is there some way to identify if there 
has been a reset that I could make use of to start again with the tries after 
the reset?  It's not a huge deal -- resetting won't occur often, but it's an 
annoyance and I do have other problem types that provide links to view previous 
attempts as well where I'm sure this is a potential problem.

Thanks as always for any hints clues or advice that can be provided!


Douglas Mills
Director of Instructional Technology
Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois

From: "Mills, Douglas G" <>
Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 3:52 PM
To: Discussion list for LON-CAPA users <>
Cc: "Mills, Douglas G" <>
Subject: Differentiate between tries when a problem is reset?

HI All,

I've created a problem where viewing previous tries the normal way is not very 
meaningful to the students and so am referencing their attempts and giving them 
a series of links they can click on to display a visualization of their 
previous attempts. This all works fine. However, in the case where for whatever 
reason the instructor RESETS the student's access to the problem so that they 
can start over, Lon-Capa maintains the record of their attempts from before the 
reset and continues to reference those.  I'm wondering, therefore, if there is 
some way in the event of an access reset to differentiate between the new 
attempts vs. the old (pre-reset) attempts.  
user.resource.resource.<partid>.tries resets so that the number of tries is 
again 0, 1, 2, etc.  but 
user.resource.1:resource.<partid>.<responseid>.submission continues to keep 
track of ALL submissions.  I'm sure I'm missing something simple. Thanks for 
your help!


Douglas Mills
Director of Instructional Technology
Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois

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