> Happy Christmas to mongers everywhere. 

Merry Christmas Greg (and one and all too - especially those that have
been --ing it on #london.pm)

Tell me, have you just spammed the million and a half mailing lists you're
on wishing everyone a Happy Christmas or should we feel especially lucky?

The advent calendar is over and done with.  Suggestions for next year
welcome ;-)

Merry Christmas.


print "\n",map{my$a="\n"if(length$_>6);' 'x(36-length($_)/2)."$_\n$a"} (
   Name  => 'Mark Fowler',        Title => 'Technology Developer'      ,
   Firm  => 'Profero Ltd',        Web   => 'http://www.profero.com/'   ,
   Email => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',   Phone => '+44 (0) 20 7700 9960'      )

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