It can't have escaped anyone's attention that Feb 2001 was a 
particularly busy month for meetings. By the end of the month
we will have had six meetings. And the March social meeting is this
Thursday (1st Mar)!

I don't want to imply that I'm getting sick of you all, but I think that
you can have too much of a good thing. It's too late to postpone this
Thursday's meeting as we've already booked a room[1] and there are
visitors to London who are planning to come along. I do, however, 
think that it's worth postponing March's planned technical meeting 
until April. It will therefore now be on Thursday April 19th and there
will be _no_ meeting on March 15th.



[1] Which reminds me, could Dave Cantrell please post the full address
of the Abermarle and (better) a map.

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