At 12:42 27/02/01 +0000, you wrote:
>Matthew Robinson wrote:
>> With respect to Quantum::Superpositions and in the spirit of 'Do what I
>> mean' I think we should be able to write any script and place the following
>> pragma in the header.
>> use constant time;
>> Obviously, the constant module would have to be overloaded to allow this
>> along with a few tweaks to the core.
>need to understand this to make use of it.  So maybe it would just be a
>matter of trying (eg: observing) it and seeing if it works?  Well, I
>did, and I got this error:
>% perl -e 'use constant time;'
>Can't define "983277222" as constant (name contains invalid characters
>or is empty) at -e line 1
>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
>I concluded that while it must work in some universe, it isn't ours.

I did say we would have to overload the constant pragma first.


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