Ok, this is obviously a good idea, some comment / ideas:

1) Create nms server (Not Matt Scripts).
        - setup mailing list(s).
        - I'm happy to host in a couple of weeks

2) Review and work out a 'core' module which
   can be part of the distrobution and impliment
   CGI.pm equiv stuff for ALL modules.
        - referer checker
        - CGI parser
        - Security stuff ?
        - Other.. ?
   - Maybe there should be a user 'sys_conf' file
     where all the user configurations go, making
     it easier than Matt's having to edit each file.

3) Create a 'standard' - methods, documentation etc.

4) Put someone in charge of each script:
        responsible for:
        - Review of current code
        - Creating a doc with all features
                - current (rand_image
                - which could be added. (rand_image support image size!s)
        - Sending this to the mailing list
        - Following up all comments.
        - Re-coding (either with others or not).

        - Test procedure for platforms / configurations.

5) Workout how we will catagroies these pieces of code,
        keywords, requirements, tests done etc..

5) Create web site with:
        - Easy to use 'standard' aka Matt esk section
        - Other modules which need more installs (e.g. TT based)
        - Complex modules (require configuration / mod_perl)

6) Repeat for other non-Matt code, e.g. forums / BBS's

Does anyone know if CPAN's pause system available,
could we impliment it for this project ? - or would
a new system be better ?

Anyway, as I said I'll give it a go setting something
up in a couple of weeks if someone hasn't got there first.



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