At 16:39 13/03/2001, you wrote:
>Dave Cross wrote:
> > Oops. I just did the Random Text one.
>Two comments:
>- what's with the "\%\%" in the separator? '%' isn't special in
>double-quoted strings, last time I checked. This looks like Mattcode which
>backwhacks just about anything ("$hh\:$mm\:$ss" comes to mind, for example).

Yep. Just took Matt's string and assigned it to $/. This was a mistake :)

>- s/chmod 744/chmod 644/ , probably

Again - placing too much trust in Matt.

This is why we have code reviews!

>And, of course, there should be a comment at the top above
>#!/usr/local/bin/perl to the effect that "you should edit this to point to
>where Perl [version 5.00x or above] is installed on your machine".

Can you put something like that above the shebang line? I thought that #! 
had to be the first two chars in the file.



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