Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 11:34:16 AM, grep wrote:

GM> * Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>> An admirable point of view in my opinion. Why would anyone possibly
>> want to run an ISP and have to deal with all the clueless people?

GM> Mike J, you used to work for AOL, you should be more than qualified
GM> to answer this one ;-)

There are far more clueless people in the universe than clueful.  As
long as their money is green, or has pictures of the queen, their cc
numbers pass mod 10,  or other appropriate symbols, they're good customers.

Also, back in the day, they didn't stay online as long as clueful
people do.  In fact, at one point 1/3rd of all AOL users logged on
once a month or less, but still paid the $10/month.  Those were the
best customers.  This is not as likely to happen these days though.

Some people even *become* clueful.  Believe it or not.


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