* Robin Szemeti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> thinks back to amusing college incident with American exchange student
> and discovery that, after 4 pints, Theakstons Old Peculiar  did not have
> the same alcohol content as four Miller Lites like we told him .. silly
> mistake .. easily made ... 

ok, you've prompted a story ... 

when i was at uni i could really drink far to well, jacob was a nou yourk
kid who was over at edinburgh uni and told us how he could drink anyone
under the table (looking back on it, he probably just wanted to fit in -
but ho hum, i and indeed the the rest of the group were young so we didnt
concern ourselves), anyway it came down to a simple drinking competition
1 bottle of spirits each, choosen by whatever was cheapest when we went
to the local offie, each participant could use a mixer (jacobs idea), last
man left standing was the winner.

anyway the night came, a friend came back from the offie with two bottles
of bacardi, i chose coke as my mixer. jacob however was more cunning that
us brits and also a little weird, first of all he didnt like carbonated
drinks so he choose water and additionally to that this luminous pink
stomach settler, im sure it has a famous name in merica. anyway the games
commenced, jacob sitting there downing some bacardi, then some water then
this pink goo - needless to say drinking prowess and size ( i was a lot
smaller then ) took over and i finished my bottle and went on to finish
his bottle while he collapsed.

so where is the punchline i hear you cry? well jacob started to be sick
and left the uni common room, being sick every few steps and heaving up
a nice puddle of this bright pink luminous goo he had been drinking, all
the way up and across to his room, puddle after puddle.

now some of you may be feeling sorry for jacob at this stage, but trust me
it got worse - the next morning the tough scottish cleaning lady came in
and went to the common room, she found one puddle of pink puke and another
and another and followed them, all the way up to a certain door, which 
she knocked upon and greeted the occupant (jacob) in a far louder way
that he might of wished on the morning after

i've got more stories about jacob, and drinking competitions and indeed
my entire university career, but they are all only available at your local
london.pm meeting ;-)


Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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