On Thu, 21 Dec 2000, you wrote:

> >ActivePerl 623 is finally out on the web. It has those 1000+ modules
> >that I talked about at the November meeting. 

excellent .. another 800 or so and you'll have them all :)

> It also automatically
> >updates the ActivePerl HTML doc tree when you install a module

<uh huh..>

> >http://www.ActiveState.com/Corporate/Communications/Releases/Press977200461.html
> >
> >Also, I would like to advocate ActivePerl for Unix (Linux, Solaris).
> >It's very quick and easy to install. The same goes for module
> >installation. I

errr .. now this is where I kinda lose the plot .. Active state perl for
windoze is a kinda good idea ... it wouls be nicer if you yould just get
plain perl to compile and install .. but hey, if ActiveState wanna go to
the trouble of porting it and making up some amusing installer called ppm
that will only load cpan modules that have been specially prepared for it
then thats ok too.. the .ppm packages are sometimes a bit behind the
current revision and you can't always get the latest release just when
you want it of the main binary ... but it does give you Perl on windoze
.. which makes for less pain and suffereing in the world..

but since yer standard *nix Perl install comes with access to all the
packages, a 'easy to use module installer' perl -MCPAN .. and none of the
disadvantages why would anyone want to run Activestate perl under *nix
..?? just curious .. Might be missing a obvious point.

whatever ... this time tomorow I'll be in Finland .. mmm .. white
christmas guaranteed. ;)

Robin Szemeti

The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!

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