On Jan 11,  2:10pm, dcross - David Cross wrote:
> The Mark Thomas usage came first. A couple of years ago, he wore t-shirts
> with weird slogans on for each show. A couple of them were 'Meeja Hor' and
> 'Mor Hor'. The first was obviously ripe for appropriation and lengthening (a
> kind of "Embrace and Extend").

I thought that might be the case.  A quick google only came up with a
couple of references, mostly related to MT.

> > [1] Although I would like to suggest a version of the site that
> >     doesn't require various plugins.
> And, especially, a version that _doesn't_ insist on playing horrible midi
> files at you on every page :(

My annoyance is the pop-up window appearing on every page telling me to go
and install a plugin so that it can play horrible midi files at me on
every page.

I half heartedly contemplated installing the plugin, but it turns out
that I need to register with AOL/Netscape before I can download it.
And alas, the user name "FuckOffBastard" has already been taken. :-(


Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Signature regenerating.  Please remain seated.
     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   For a good time: http://www.kfs.org/~abw/

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