* Paul Makepeace ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> From: "Andy Wardley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > In all fairness, I have to say that mailman is an *excellent* mailing
> > list manager.
> Yes it is. Majordomo is the wrong choice for the 21st century.
> Once again I'll offer to run the list on euro.pm.org but if y'all'd rather
> debate stuff go ahead :-)

speaking from a personal opinion ....

its a kind offer Paul, but it really should be run off the london server
(currently) penderel.state51.co.uk (thanks state51!) - we've invested
in the beatie and it would be a shame to see it not being used

for instance i've logged on and seen it with 0% CPU usage, why don't
we run at least the distributed net client on it - well the reason
is we need organisation of the running of it, jo's deserves a 
sainthood (or the female version of it) for what she has done so far
but we need to organise it properly - anyway see the other mail i sent

thanks again for the offer!

Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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