Dean S Wilson wrote:

> What kind of low level stuff are you interested in? kernel/device
> drivers kind of thing or something else entirely?

I've been working on compilers, WAP browsers and crypto since I got
here. I'd love to have a go working on kernel stuff or device drivers.
What I'd really like to do is work on my Flash stuff but nothing's
really been forthcoming on that front.

Robert Shiels wrote:

> If possible, move to a good job, not away from a bad one.

I think that's some of the best advice anybody's ever given me.

Games would be good. But the pay is low (20K pa) - over a grand a month
gross less for me which is a change in lifestyle (although it's only
recently I wasn't surviving as a student on 10).

The games industry is very volatile at the moment - so many different
platforms (10 at least) and so many people producing games for them. You
work for 2 years on a game by which time the console you're devloping
for may not have survived (e.g N64) or the game may do inexplicably

On the other hand games give me a hard on so ....

/me sighs

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