> At Fri, 19 Jan 2001 16:33:40 -0000, "Robert Shiels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >
> > > > What are you planning to do on the box?
> > >
> > > It'll be purely for home use, so:
> > >
> > > * Hacking perl
> > > * Prototyping web sites
> > > * Playing with new toys like AxKit and Camelot
> > > * Write
> > > * Surf the web
> > > * Read mail
> > > * Play the occasional game
> > > * Listen to MPs
> > > * Burn CDs
> > >
> > Apart from the games perhaps, I'm just wondering what a PIV1400Mhz
> > will do that a PII350 wouldn't :-) What was your inner justification
> > for getting such a monster machine Dave?
> Seriously, my current machine is a PentiumPro 200 Mhz and that's
> getting so frustrating that I knew I needed a new machine and I
> always buy the fastest I can so it will last as long as possible.
I'm just annoyed in that I quite recently bought a PIII866 with 256MbRAM
[1], and I'm way behind in the game already <g>


[1]upgraded my P166MMX 64MB RAM

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