On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, you wrote:

> I can do 200% as much work at home because I can work when and as I feel 
> able to and so work when I am my most productive.

well having spent the last year telecommuting I can affirm that it does
let you sometimes work at phenomeonal rates

But I also can see the other side .. contact and 'just being able to ask'
is important too .. the telephone still works, and when I worked in a
building full of people I;d just as lilely phone em up or email em as
walk round to their office to see them. I'd say on balance that both have
merit. at white heat development pace its better to be all in one room ..
when its thrashed out and just needs plain doing, then wandering off home
and doing it when it feels best is just as powerful.

I'd see an ideal solution as being flexible and not pre constraining
yourselves to a fixed pattern. If you prefer one type of working much
over another then do it that way .. both have merit.

and I'm still dead keen to be involved in an XP project :))

whatever .. if you lot are going to be in Chinatown on Monday thats as
good a reason as any I can see for making a trip to the smoke ... see ya

Robin Szemeti

The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!

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