>At Thu, 1 Feb 2001 10:57:11 +0000, Greg McCarroll 
>>  * Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>  > (Even more off-topic than usual)
>>  >
>>  > I've got four tickets for the filming of the Mark Thomas Product
>>  > this Sunday. It's filmed in the pub at the end of my road, but I
>>  > don't think I'll be around in time to go. You'd need to be in the
>>  > pub for about 7:15pm to get decent seats, but the filming doesn't
>>  > actually start until 9pm.
>>  >
>>  > I'll have them with me tonight if anyone wants to claim them.
>>  /me wants two - i assume the usual method of distribution applies
>You can have two and Red gets the other two. I'll explain how it all
>works tonight, but it'll be easier all round if the four of you could
>meet in the pub before the show.
>Are you sure you'll be back from Newark in time?
Well I know the Audi goes (yes, it can do 140mph! :-) ) but I'm not 
sure it'll do that 4up and anyway those tricks are best reserved for 
_very_ late a night.

As it is I was assuming we'd be working some of Sunday as well.

Neil C. Ford

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