At 21:04 12/02/2001, Neil Ford wrote:
>>On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 10:59:55AM +0000, Neil Ford wrote:
>>>  Also what kit are we going to need for Damian's talk? (projector, PA,
>>>  wireless microphones?)
>>FWIW, damian has (IIRC) requested a vga connection for ny.
>>(will try to remember to confirm this at some point...)
>>Your best bet is to ask him.  That's what we did. :-)
>I'll get Mr Cross to check then. Some of teh requirements are going to 
>depend on the size of room we get. Something the size of the cinemas at 
>the ICA and a PA and mics will almost be a necessity.

The room we're looking at holds 80-100 people, so that's borderline PA 
territory in my book.

And isn't the VGA connection a requirement for the projector? Or the 
laptop? Or something other than the room itself?




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