On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 17:02:39 -0800, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> Anyway, the guy who originally posted the perl code to the web is archiving
> as many copies of DeCSS as he can get his hands on, going as far as the rock
> song which uses the code as the lyrics:
> http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/DeCSS/Gallery/

This includes the new way to get the source via the DNS, which still works, and 
doesn't use zone transfers:

    for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $DVDs.z.zoy.org ; done | \
        perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' | gunzip

        Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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