On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 07:02:59PM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, David Cantrell:
> > Anyone know of any good sources of cheap, BIG hard disks atm?  Like in the
> > 70 to 100Gb range, IDE?  Speed not an issue, reliability is as these are
> > for my server.  I need^Wwant six, and would rather not pay the 250-odd quid
> for reliability you want scsi .. ever wondered why scsi costs more? .. 
> the drives are generally built to a better spec.

No, the drives are frequently exactly the same mechanics with a different
board.  Anyway, by reliable I mean "not sold by some dodgy bloke in a
computer fair who threw them down the stairs a few times" and.  AFAICT SCSI
costs more because you're paying for the 'brand'.

> when it comes to servers for speed you want scsi ...esp under linux ..

It is my impression that SCSI only becomes worthwhile if you're expecting
lots of reads and writes at the same time.

> (ISTR that the 2.4 kernel will have ultra-ata 66 support ..  prior to
> that you just get basic IDE AFAIK)

Naah, it's a personal server, which I should probably have pointed out.
It has one user - me - and is used mainly for backups and for burning CDs.

I believe you get ATA 33 in 2.2.something, but I don't particularly
give a shit.

> scsi multithreads, IDE doesn't.. this makes quite a difference on
> multi-process applications .. esp. servers

I don't need that.  It matters not to me if it takes a few seconds extra
to copy a file.  And in any case, I'll be spreading the load over at
least two - possibly three - IDE controllers which should mitigate this
to a certain extent.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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