* Jonathan Peterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > i also think there is still room for sensible consultancies
> > and contracting.
> > i think the 1000 quid a day for web development companies will have a
> > major problem however.
> I hope so, they deserve it.
> > at cebit, BT devices crashed and burned - why? they had been rushed
> > out. BT is essentially a good technology if done right, the same is
> > true for web sites, the industry just needs to slow its self down
> I couldn't agree more. Of the .com companies I've seen screwing their
> technology up, ridiculous deadlines for development have been the root cause
> in most cases. The whole 'Doing business in Internet time' hype is stupid,
> and just leads to people acting without thinking and then being charged
> twice as much for shoddy work that appears to be completed quickly.

ironically, a lot of .com problems could of been avoided and yet they
still would of made the deadlines imposed by `internet time', if they
had slowed down and used traditional business techniques such as
cost/benefit analysis to prioritise functionality

taking a random site - lastminute.com

i just went there, no their business model is essentially - sell
stuff at the last minute, generally targetting people with
disposable income

so i look at their site, they have chatroom functionality! why?
why does a site selling this sort of thing need chatroom
functionality? what is the benefit compared to its cost


Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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