On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Leon Brocard wrote:

> Aaron Trevena sent the following bits through the ether:
> > thats a bit slow for ntk
> Indeed. Thankfully I've removed all pimb talk from my mail
> archives. Ten months is pretty slow for meme transfer. I declare NTK
> too slow and hence dead. What's next? ;-)

I think the jamie olover link has saved them - it is mighty fine.

oh the confectionary is rather worth keeping.


<A HREF = "http://termisoc.org/~betty"> Betty @ termisoc.org </A>
"As a youngster Fred fought sea battles on the village pond using a 
complex system of signals he devised that was later adopted by the Royal 
Navy. " (this email has nothing to do with any organisation except me)

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