Robin Szemeti wrote:
>OK girls .. 
>[submit form with parameter init_login='Login'
>if ( defined($q->param('init_login')) ){ 
>  #do someting and it happens
>... some code goes by
>if ( defined($q->param('init_login')) ){ 
>  #do someting and it DOESNT happen
>now .. you are all about to say .. ahh .. something is reseting the
>parameter elsewhere ... either Delete('init_login') or some such BUT if I
>swap the first test to be 

First question - is the second if statement in a separate block?
Second question - is your server using mod_perl?

If the answer to both those questions is yes, then mod_perl is doing something nasty 
with closures and your blocks/subs.

Try passing $q around as a parameter - that usually solves the problem.

Alternatively, if you don't mind using the standard interface, then use that.

Rob Thompson

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