At 09:50 04/04/2001 +0000, Robin Szemeti wrote:

>1) LeMaitre make some very big marroons for stage use.

The very brand :-)

>2) it says they need to be in some form of container when they go off.

Nah. Bury them in sand for realistic WWII FX. Mwahahahaha....

>3) do NOT use those funny square dustbin/ashtray things (with the two
>flaps of steel as a lid) as the container (see [2] above)
>4) the lids on [3] are, apparently, not attached very well.

Indeed they are not. I remember that happening to me in a production I once 
worked on.

>5) Members of the public attending an event do not take kindly to being
>whisked off to hospital to have lumps of metal removed from their legs.

Luckily it only did minor damage to the backstage area.

>I tell you this to help you avoid long chats with staff from the local
>HSE and insurance comapanies, neither of whom seem to have much 'sense of
>fun' in these matters ...

Miserable lot I always find but not as bad as the jobsworth fire brigade 
fire safety inspection officers I've come across.

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