On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 10:29:09AM +0100, Robert Shiels wrote:
> From: "Dominic Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Dunno, but I sure hope the digital packages get a bit better than the
> > current offerings otherwise I'll just switch off the telly and not turn
> > it on again...
> > -Dom (resents paying once for the license fee and again for the
> subscription)
> Hmm. I too am pissed off about this digital stuff, as the quality is worse
> than analogue TV. My measure of quality is uninterrupted viewing. I have yet
> to watch any digital TV where at some point the picture didn't pixelate or
> completely blank for a few seconds. I have an excellent Sony 100Hz TV, and
> cannot fault the picture. Why are we being forced down this digital route?
> Money I expect.
> But if you get a digital TV/receiver, surely BBC is available for free
> without any subscriptions. If this is not the case then I think it's
> criminal.

All the offers I've looked at so far have needed one to subscribe to at
least one "primary channel" as well as the free stuff.  Although maybe I
haven't looked at the fine print...


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