Steve Mynott wrote:
> Libertarianism seems more popular than socialism on the internet as as
> a whole, at least, with many American programmers.

To counter Dave's left wing views (<trolllllllllllllll>have you ever
noticed how left wingers tend to be less tolerant to the fact that their
views may be wrong than right wing people?</troll>) I'd argue that
libertarianism/socialism is fine as a personal philosophy but doesn't
work in the broader, govermental scheme of things.

In a nutshell: people are bastards and will try and take advantage of a
situation where they're in power. 'Tis the Hawks and the Hares scenario.
The best form of government would be a benevolent dictator (c.f Piers
Anthony's "Bio of a Space Tyrant" which can both back up and completely
destroy my argument) . But they don't exist. 'Cos people suck.

[me deletes the rest of this thread because I read it before on another
mailing list and I said exactly the same thing then. And the time before
that on an entirely different list altogther.]

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