On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 11:23:05AM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:
> I have in the past had a pirate copy of O'Reillys Network Bookshelf ...
> but a) I would not have paid for the CD in the first place and b)  Iliked
> what I saw so much that I went on to buy a whole bookcase full of
> O'Reilly stuff. 

I'm *sure* at some level, the publishers know this, but they'd rather
not admit it. :) If you release a book as a computer file, *IT WILL GET
COPIED*. Don't think they're too stupid not to realise this.

But people like having nice bound paper copies of things. Having it on
line just isn't the same. That's why O'Reilly publishes copies of
things that *are* freely available, like the Linux Network
Administrator's Guide.

People who love sausages, respect the law, and work with IT standards
shouldn't watch any of them being made.
    - Peter Gutmann  

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