on 22/5/01 4:02 pm, Simon Wistow wrote:

> the Tory's want to repeal IR35, make RIPA less strict and speed up Local
> Loop unbundling, whereas Labour want to introduce laws meaning that if
> you pretend to be a teenager on the Net you can be jailed for 5 years
> (bad luck bK).

It seems that every promise in the Tory manifesto is based on hearsay and
rumour about things that people don't like at the moment. From
air-conditioned tubes, thru to RIPA, to cheap petrol, it's
bandwagon-jumping. Even if you agree with some, it's unlikely you'll agree
with a majority.

I have yet to see a Conservative talk eloquently and knowledgably about the
subjects they're making promises on. Which is fucking scary. You sort of
have to admire their bravado though, in some ghoulish way.

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