Marcel Grunauer sent the following bits through the ether:

> Is that a) a good idea, b) a bad idea, c) common practice anyway and
> I just haven't found it?

japhy's apparently kinda doing this:

  The YAPE hierarchy of modules is an attempt at a unified means of
  parsing and extracting content. It attempts to maintain a generic
  interface, to promote simplicity and reusability. The API is
  powerful, yet simple. The modules do tokenization (which can be
  intercepted) and build trees, so that extraction of specific nodes
  is doable.

Other programming languages need code generators to spit out
libraries. Perl doesn't need to do this as it's dynamic, baby. This is
why Parse::RecDescent / Template Toolkit are so groovy, yeah.

[Of course, the reason nobody's done this before is that everyone
wants a slightly different interface...]

... We're not worthy! We're not worthy!

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