* Robert Shiels ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> What! You mean go south of the river after dark. I'm afraid I'm not properly
> insured for that kind of excursion :)

what sort of insurance do you need? insurance against culture? insurance
against clearner air? insurance against nice restaurants and bars? insurance
against safer streets?

bah, south london is where its at ;-)

> Nice offer, though if I took it up my chances of making it home at all would
> be very slim. Does anyone know what time the result is usually announced
> (and 38 days is not an acceptable answer, this isn't Florida!)

its not really announced at a specific time IIRC, it is a final result
when one party has enough people to `form a government', i.e. a majority

Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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