On Fri, 08 Jun 2001, Struan Donald wrote:
> * at 08/06 11:35 +0100 Robin Szemeti said:
> > On Fri, 08 Jun 2001, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> > 
> > > calling wordpad an editor is as laughable as calling vi an editor ;-)
> > 
> > arrghh .. burn the heretic! ... speak brother, for the truth will out ..
> > have you been using [x{0,1]]emacs again ... ?
> and thus comes the inevitable end[1] to all unix geek discussions...
> struan
> [1] or at least end to the bit not based on flames and blind prejudice

pah! .. tis written in the scripture ... 'let he who hath one eye be
blessed'  .. clearly the 'one eye' is a reference to the one 'i' in vi ..
its *obvious* innit ... I shall found my entire religion on this shadowy
fact wriiten by our lord himself ( or one of his followers, or perhaps
someone just mistranslated it .. or made it up ) however ... if anyone
questions me I shall explain that 'thats what faith is all about' and mark
them up for burning as well ... 

Robin Szemeti                       
Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

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