Paul Makepeace wrote on Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2001 13:27:
>       Greg McCarroll: 1546
>           Dave Cross:  762 ************************
>       Jonathan Stowe:  729 ***********************
>        Robin Szemeti:  586 ******************
>       David Cantrell:  563 ******************
>       Paul Makepeace:  504 ****************
>         Leon Brocard:  459 **************
>         Piers Cawley:  378 ************
>       David H. Adler:  365 ***********
>         Simon Wistow:  355 ***********
>        Philip Newton:  331 **********

Well, I just barely missed being in the Top 10... I didn't think I wrote
*that* much. Horrors.

Oh well, life goes on. And sometimes life includes coming into work on my
last day of holidays because I just *know* london-list will have tons of
messages waiting for me and I don't want to talk half a day on my first day
back to work to sort through them. Well, it was only 683 IIRC (after 2.5
weeks), but still.

> PS The ratty bit of code, should anyone wish to automate this, that
>    produces this is:
> cat $* | formail +1 -x From: -ds | perl -lne 
> 's-\\?"--g;s/(\w+), ([\w\s]+\w)/$2 $1/;/^ (\w.*) </ and 
> $p{$1}++; END {printf "%20s: %4d\n",$p,$n while ($p,$n) = 
> each %p}' | sort -t : -k 2,2rn | head -40 | perl -lpe 
> 's-(\d+)$-"$1 "."*"x($1*($s||=50/$1))-e'

Any chance of arm-wrestling Greg Bacon's News::Scan into producing stats
from an mbox?

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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