From: Ian Brayshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Mark Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> <snip type="FAQ" style="revised"/>
> Mark, you're revised FAQ looks good.

I second that!

> What I like most about is that we all have views/opinions, we
> share them freely (i.e. there are not taboos), and then we back up our
> claims. It's a great environment for discussion (some thought provoking,
> some not), and I get the feeling that we generally act consistently with
> philosophy of help one, help all and knowledge for the greater good.

I second this also :)

> Templating is not a big issue. Deciding which style of coffee to have
> thing in the morning may be a big issue, but "fill in the blanks" page
> authoring is not. However, I think it struck a nerve with a few of us, and
> that's great, because I am a firm believer that when people are
> involved in their work they make the greatest difference.

I would correct this by saying that templating is not a big issue to those
of us who choose not to use TT but for some reason those who do use TT seem
hell bent on converting the rest of us :)  I was fairly happy with the
discussion that we had last week (although I chose not to take an active
role in the discussion) in that it came to a natural death.  I had thought
that the only conclusion which could be raised is that we had not reached a

When I saw the QA from the website I was slightly annoyed by its
one-sidedness and felt that this did not represent the views of the group.

I personally have very little interest in continuing the debate about
templating as I find it pretty boring and quite pointless BUT I do have a
problem with people continually evangelising one particular solution when
there are people on the list who have an active dislike of TT and who are
getting fed up with the constant pressure to switch.

One day I might "come to my senses" and switch to TT but this is for me to
decide in my own time and in the mean-time I would prefer not to have to
endure the constant pressure to switch.

I will make it quite clear that I DO NOT have a problem with people giving
talks on TT (or any other templating solution) at tech meetings etc,
reasoned arguments are perfectly acceptable and these are all that would be
able to convince me to switch.   However, I am tired of the slanging matches
that are going on over templating particularly the constant pressure from TT
(and the assumption that we must be stupid for not seeing the benefits).

> I take my hat off to you for "doing to death" this discussion, and keeping
> away from personal attacks that plague other mailing lists.
> This is a cool place to hang out, and the last twelve hours or so have
> confirmed that for me.
> Cheers.
> Ian

I would be quite happy to drop the templating discussion right now (assuming
the proposed changes are made to the website) as I am quite happy to live in
a world where people have different opinions and beliefs.  I am not
particularly interested in the results of the straw poll (as that is not
going to convince me to switch), however, I will be quite interested to see
Greg's article.

Matt, who is considering putting a mail filter in to move templating related
mail to /dev/null  :)

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