Leon Brocard sent the following bits through the ether:

> I don't think there has been a conclusion to the templating system
> thread, so I'm conducting a straw poll.
> Please tell me what templating system you use and like or dislike.

For what it is worth, the results follow. I had responses from 21
people. A '-' means they dislike the system, a '+' means they like
the system:

             ASP -
      Home-grown --
   HTML::Embperl --
     HTML::Mason --+
  HTML::Template ++++
             PHP +
             SSI +
Template Toolkit -++++++++++++++++
  Text::Template ++
        Vignette +
            XSLT +

Yes, it's too late for you to vote now, Leon
Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/
Iterative Software...........http://www.iterative-software.com/

... Hey! Who took the cork off my lunch?

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