On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 07:32:30AM +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> has anyone here every been to GenCon UK?
> 30th August-2nd September 2001: GenCon UK
Ummm..... stupid question? ;-)

(to clarify, I was Operations Manager for Wizards of the Coast UK for 2
years. I had been to every Euro Gencon up to 1998 for all the days, in 1999
and 2000 we only went for one day).

However, IMO, GenCon UK is a shadow of it's former self, and even more so with
this year's move to Olympia.  Oh, for the days of CryoGenCon (not the
official name) at Pontins, Camber Sands in November!

We'll be there on the Saturday catching up with old friends, some of whom I've
been gaming (on and off) for over 20 years eek!

Need to know more, talk to me on Thursday. I promise not to rant too much :-)

Neil C. Ford
Managing Director, Yet Another Computer Solutions Company Limited

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