* Jonathan Stowe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Lest I should not appear at the Social meet

we didn't expect you JS, after all the stars are not in alignment ;-)

> - I will require you all to
> drink at least one of a cocktail which I have just been told about : this
> is apparently one invented by the Bentley racing team in the 1930's and
> consists only of equal measures of Dubonnet and Calvados ...
> It is not clear what the name of this cocktail is I'm afraid.

its called a Bentley and sounds more like someone who can't 
make up their mind as to which after-dinner drink to have

it might of been created a little like this ...

<pissed monger> what dwiinnks do youuu ave for after dinner! my gooood
<waiter>        we have a full selection Ma'am, as you can see we ...
<pissed monger> fine! bring me one of each
<waiter>        errr ... very good Ma'am
<pissed monger> In the wone glasss! I call it a Perl Mongwer!

Monger falls off her seat and waiter remembers not to allow
large parties of geeks into his restaurant on the day after
the first wednesday of the month.


Greg McCarroll                      

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