On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 01:00:42PM -0500, Pierre DENIS wrote:
> > ...
> > I agree with the call for peace but not with the wording of that petition.
> > Please post US-Centric crap elsewhere.
> If you are really concerned about peace why not setting a good example here?
> This is all about respect, Americans or not, I consider all these innocents
> who died or in pain as close friends.

What about all those who die in Sierra Leone *EVERY DAY*, East Timor,
Palestine, Gaza, the West Bank, Zimbabwe? This is a tragedy, yes, but lets
not lose sight of the fact that there are wars happening all the time. The
US fund and even support some of them.

Oh, and all of those wars kill civilians too.

Not to mention the IRA.

> > ...
> > Sure, I'm just getting rather fed up of having "Attacks on the good ole'
> > democratic US state" shoved up my nose. I do feel sorry for the friends
> > and families of those who died, and I'm seriously worried about the
> > attitudes of the US Govt, which could affect us *all*. If the US decides
> > to go to war and pull NATO down with it, it will affect all of NATO, not
> > just US citizens. My feeling is still that if US citizens can't see that
> > there is a world outside the US then they deserve to be flamed for it.
> > ...
> If you can't feel we are already affected, I'm sorry.

We are affected, and whatever that moron Bush decides to do, we will have to

> Maybe if we had taken actions before, friends wouldn't have died, what
> happened is the responsability of everybody.


> If that would have happened in UK, would you like americans to react like
> you? UK or France (my country) have not much to be proud of when it comes to
> foreign policy, these days. End of political consideration. It doesn't
> matter.

This is true. But I don't think the same would happen in the US, after all,
how many US citizens *GIVE MONEY* to the IRA? Enough. What is the Star
Spangled Banner all about? the tyrannous British. I think the sympathy might
last a day or so, then it'd go back to normal. Here in London, we get the
odd terrorist attack, and we go on as normal.

> I would not like an american to read these posts. I would like to make them
> feel they have very good friends here, even if we disagree with them on some
> topics.

I feel sympathy for the families, however I think that posting an AMERICAN
petition to a UK list is OUT OF ORDER! I mean, we don't get postings asking
us for support in East Timor, or Sierra Leone.

If the petition had been worded in a way which made it an International call
for peace, then I wouldn't have been so pissed off about it, but it wasn't.
It referred entirely to US citizens. (don't forget that a few hundred Britons
probably died in those buildings, and as people have pointed out, it was the
*World* Trade Center so there are probably some from other nationalities. Why
then was the petition about US Citizens, ignoring the fact that anyone else
might actually want to sign.

> About that tragedy, I feel it still is time to help and support those who
> need it and show a little respect. It is not time for blames or "good ole'
> anti american" political debate.

I'm not being "anti-american" as a whole. I was anti the wording of that
petition. I'd like to have signed somethng advocating peace, but I couldn't
because of the fscked up wording. How the **** am I supposed to feel. I
really don't want Bush to go into a full-scale war, which he's doubtless
going to do, and having called them "cowards" drop bombs from a height, use
cruise missiles etc. The worst thing is, we're all going to be dragged into
it to. And I can't sign the ****ing petition!

So please try and understand what I posted, and read it. I quoted the bit
of the wording I didn't like. Maybe now you'll understand. However I think
we've got to stop being so ridiculous about this and get on with our lives.
Look forward rather than back.


Matthew Byng-Maddick         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           http://colondot.net/

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